Get Started

Connect your wallet

  1. Click the 'Connect Wallet' button in the upper-right corner.

  1. If you already have a Metamask wallet, simply click 'Metamask' at the connect page.

  2. If you donโ€™t have a Metamask wallet, you can register for a new wallet by clicking 'Connect With Socials'.

  1. Next, click 'Sign and verify' to connect your decentralised wallet with the platform.

  1. If you have connected with your email address, there will be a new Particle Wallet created for you. Copy the wallet address. You will need to deposit a small amount of ETH to pay the gas fee. Next, deposit the USDT to your Particle Wallet.

  1. Next, deposit USDT to start trading by clicking on the 'Deposit' button. Deposits will automatically be in your exchange balance after 16 confirmations on the Ethereum chain.


  • Deposit USDT via the 'Deposit' button.

  • The order panel is on the right-hand side. There you can input your order type, limit price (if applicable), and the size of your trade.

  • You can also right-click on a price level in the orderbook to quickly place a trade at that price.

  • RabbitX also features advanced chart trading features that allow you to right-click on the chart to place trades! You will also be able to see your positions and orders directly from the chart. Learn more about our chart trader.

Review your positions, trades and orders

  • At the bottom of the page you will see your completed and open orders under the 'Orders' option.

  • Clicking the 'Positions' tab will show your current positions on RabbitX.

  • Clicking the 'Account' tab shows your account balances, margin requirement, PnL, leverage, and volume figures.


Q: How do I deposit collateral to start trading?

A: You must deposit USDT-ERC20 to start trading.

Q: Do I need to pay gas to trade?

A: You do not need to pay gas for trading. However, you will need to pay gas for deposits and withdrawals.

Q: Why am I interacting on an Ethereum if youโ€™re on Starknet?

A: Deposits and withdrawals on RabbitX are done on Ethereum layer 1. RabbitX then uses Starknet for settlement services to handle your deposits and withdrawals. Using our L1-to-L2 link, we conveniently take care of all the backend processes for you. This is why you can use an EVM wallet with us and donโ€™t have to use a Cairo-specific wallet.

Q: Why do withdrawals take so long?

Withdrawals may take up to 12 hours, the length of time for a new batch of transactions to be confirmed from Starknet to Ethereum. Please note the process for withdrawals, in order of occurrence:

  • The withdrawn amount will be immediately deducted from your wallet balance on RabbitX.

  • You will see the withdrawn amount initially displayed as 'Pending' in your 'Transfers' tab.

  • Once the withdrawal is accepted by Starknet, the status will change to 'Transferring'.

  • In 'Transferring' status, your withdrawal is now being processed by Starknet. Depending on Starknetโ€™s block time, this process currently takes up to 12 hours, with an estimated time of 6-10 hours.

  • Once completed, the transfer status will change to 'Success' in your 'Transfers' tab.

  • You will be able to claim your requested withdrawal amount back to your wallet.

Q: Why do my market orders sometimes not immediately fill?

A: To protect traders from adverse price movements when executing a market order, if the execution price of a market order deviates beyond 5%, the exchange will automatically place the remaining unfilled portion of the order at 5% away from the fair price.

Last updated