RabbitX OTC Service

RabbitX OTC Service

In order to meet the rapidly increasing trading needs of our VIP users, RabbitX is proud to offer our very own OTC trading service. Here’s a quick introduction to the RabbitX OTC trading procedures and processes to facilitate a smooth trading experience for you.

To get started:

  • You will be required to have an existing RabbitX account

  • All trades are pre-funded using available margin from your trading account

  • Settlement will take place in your trading account, we will never require you to send assets to be settled to any external wallets

  • Minimum size starts from USD 100K for BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT, and 50K for all other assets

Trading Procedure:

  1. To initiate RabbitX OTC services, please join the RabbitX OTC Telegram Channel, or submit a general ticket in the RabbitX Discord and state that you would like to use our OTC services.

  2. Once you are in touch with a team member on Discord or Telegram, please provide your RabbitX connected wallet address. Once your account has passed margin requirement checks, you will be added to a private telegram group chat with the RabbitX OTC trading team.

  3. To request for a quote, please state your trading pair, quantity and direction. E.g. “I am looking for a quote to buy 15 BTC/USDT”.

  4. The RabbitX trading team will acknowledge your quote request and proceed to quote if your account meets the margin requirements.

  5. If your RabbitX account is not yet funded and you are looking for an indicative quote, you may also request for one. Do note that these quotes are indicative at time of quoting. You may proceed to request a live quote when the trade is funded in your account.

  6. Once a live quote is provided, you may accept a quote by replying “done”, after which the trader will confirm by acknowledging your response with “done”. You may decline a quote anytime and respond with “nothing done” or “pass”.

  7. Live quotes are valid for up to 60 seconds from quotation or whenever the trader provides an updated quote, asks for you to “refresh” or “ref” or deems the quote as stale by saying “off”.

  8. IMPORTANT: Once a trade is confirmed after the RabbitX trader replies “done”, the trade is confirmed at the quoted price. Thus it is deemed that you have provided confirmation and the assets will be debited immediately for trade settlement and you cannot cancel the trade.

  9. Settlement timeframe takes up to 25-30 minutes, should more time be required beyond the standard settlement timeframe, you will be notified ahead of time.

Note that RabbitX OTC only supports Perpetual Futures.

Before beginning trading and requesting for a quote, please take a moment to review the procedure above for your acceptance.

Last updated